Friday, 9 January 2015

It's time for the twenties...

On Monday 12th January I will be turning 20! Now for me, a mere 19 year old that seems old! Although Im sure many of you would argue I have my whole life ahead of me still, which I know is true, its still fairly daunting! But thats also what makes this birthday all the more exciting! Although I'm reluctant to leave my teens behind, which have been full of some great memories, embracing the big 20 means the beginning of adulthood. I know I'm not turning 21, which is the key transitional point into adulthood, I'm leaving one decade of my life and entering another, which seems possibly even more scary!

At this stage of your life people are asking me: what are you going to do once you've finished your degree? Have you got a boyfriend? What career path are you wanting to follow? Do you have a job currently?

This bombardment is a constant reminder I haven't exactly got my life planned out, I know the answers to those questions, but its just reaching what I really want out of life. For me, this birthday is not only about getting drunk with some mates to celebrate, although that will be happening I'm sure, but about trying to take the small steps to reaching the larger goals.

Not only this, but I have lived for twenty years, isn't that also cause for celebration? I have survived 20 years of life, with whatever it has thrown at me, I've continued to surpass it. I've witnessed many changes, events and disasters since 1995 and have continued to watch and be part of the development of the society and the world around me. Over these teenage years and particularly recently with moving out and studying at University, I have begun to find myself, what I want, who I am.

So what can I look forward to in my twenties? Here is the top advice about life in your twenties:

  • Friends will soon be about quality not quantity. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh and make you feel good about yourself. Cherish them, your are in this journey together.
  • You'll begin to love people for their soul, not whats on the outside. 
  • You'll experience greater equality with people around you. Its not longer about if they are popular, nerdy or sporty, its about who they are. 
  • Do things that make you happy
  • Take chances (to an extent), you'll regret it later on if you don't. 
  • Enjoy the moment. Although you may be worrying about the future, don't ignore what is going on in your life at that current moment. 
'I thought I knew everything about love and relationships in my 20s, the ignorance of youth is bliss. As you get older, you start to realise that you don't really know anything and life is a great traveling journey. Life is unexpected…you just never know whats going to happen'. Reese Witherspoon

Check out Buzzfeed for other articles about entering your twenties! Heres a few of my favourites: 

So, another decade of my life begins! Happy Birthday Me! 


  1. This is a pretty good summary! I never knew how tough this 'adulting' the thing would be! Honestly speaking adult is a perfect hard work and at the same being in my twenties is fun, full of lessons and memories. I now realize that's a lot more to just praying every day about being an adult soon. It is the toughest, but yet sweetest change because You're Free to be who you are, where you want, and do whatever you want. Adulting is a bittersweet, well actually it is a roller-coaster ride and you don't see what's in front of you or what to expect. You just keep going.

  2. For Christmas I will recommend you watch Next Stop Christmas
