Friday, 6 June 2014

The 70th anniversary of D-day

Seventy years ago today, June 6th 1944, was D-Day, the beginning of the end of war in Europe. This day, to you that do not know, was the giant aillied assault on Normandy France, codenamed operation Overlord. This invasion was conducted both by air and by amphibious landings on five beaches and parachute drops across northern Normandy. It is estimated that 15,000 men at least, were killed on this day alone. 

So, you may ask what is the importance of this day seventy years on? The sacrifice of so many stopped Hitler in his tracks of deploying more troops to the Eastern front, which would have meant the war would have most certainly continued, killing thousands more on the home front and in action. Therefore, our freedom even now should be attributed to this day, and to the British, American and Canadian soldiers who liberated those beaches.

I visited Normandy ten years ago, on the 60th anniversary of the D-day landings. Even though I was only young, it struck me how recent those sacrifices were. When visiting Normandy, the five beaches and the coastal towns, it is like walking into a time capsule. It feels, when walking around the towns and along the beaches, and as a child running down the bomb craters that you can sense the pounding of feet, the sound of shells and the firing of guns. The floating harbours, built to contain military vehicles still stand as they were once put 70 years ago. Furthermore, the gun battlements, built by the Germans to defend the Atlantic coast, still prevail on the top of the cliffs, surrounded by bomb craters created by the British airforce. Most importantly, the tales of the veterans who still live today is our most prominent reminder of this monumental invasion. This is why I believe it is important to remember these events, as we can witness first hand, the history of D-day. 

The famous film Saving Private Ryan (1998) and television series Band of Brothers (2001) give a realistic and hard hitting portrayal of operation Overlord and I most defiantly recommend you give those a watch to at least have a glimpse into the horrific chaos these young men endured.

Saving Private Ryan- Omaha beach

Band of Brothers- Normandy Drop

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