So thats it. Another year over! Tomorrow evening we shall welcome in the new year as we do every year with plenty of champagne and linking arms to sing auld lang sang syne, which many of us still don't know the words too! Once again 2015 will become another year of filled with memories and another year in the grand scale of your life.
So as we do as we approach every new year, lets reflect on the best bits of 2015. So here at my top moments of 2015, I hope many of you will also attempt this and give it a post on your blog.
Favourite month of 2015
Starting with a biggie, what was my favourite month of 2015? Cast your minds back across the last 12 months. Think about all you have witnessed and what you have achieved. As a lover of summer, my favourite month came in June. It was the beginning of my very long summer, knowing I had weeks off from studying and look forward. I kicked off June with a holiday to Greece which ultimately began my summer holiday and involved plenty of partying, kickstarting my tan and swimming in the med.
Favourite summer moment
This follows on from my last point really, in summertime, whilst we continue to work, more things seem to happen. This is due to sunny skies, beer gardens and often a holiday. My favourite moment of the summer came when I sat and watched the sunrise in Greece, not just once but several times and it was beautiful and made me appreciate the Earth we inhabit. Cheesy I know!
Favourite film release of 2015
It has to be Spectre. James Bond is brilliant. Daniel Craig made his last and another epic appearance in this film as Mr Bond and will be sadly missed. I think this was his best bond film yet, full of British humour, a strong storyline and for me as a romantic, a bit of romance. I will miss you Daniel Craig but will wait in anticipation for the next Bond to be announced.
Favourite song release of 2015
I love Adele. Her album 21 was genius and was played over and over in my house. When knowing she was to release another in late 2015, I was so excited. Therefore my song has to be 'Hello'. It was instantly brilliant accompanied by an awesome video. Well done Adele, you still have me singing every word.
Favourite book
Love, Rosie. Firstly its a rom-com, secondly its set in Dublin (unlike the film) and thirdly its hilarious. The humour and quick wit in this book make it a great read. There are also so many 'aw but they were so close' moments and surprises it makes a thrilling book to pick up.
Favourite TV series
I had never really watched Game of Thrones before 2015. Yes of course I had heard of it, both the wonderful and gruesome stories, however I was put off by the the many episodes I had to catch up with. It was the best decision to begin watching it, its epic; confusing yet amazing. Despite the ridiculously hot Kit Harrington and gorgeous co star Richard Madden, the series is really addictive with many shocking moments which clings you to the television.
Favourite colour
This is more of a question of which colour I felt summed up the year for me. I would have to say 2015 has been the colour of orange. The summer was brilliant and is associated with sunrises. The Autumn this year has also been great, as achieved some more goals towards my journalistic career.
Favourite food
Tapas. Ive been to many restaurants this year all over the country. From London to Norfolk and Ive found a new love for tapas. It gives you whatever you fancy, lots of little pieces and many flavours. You can have it as a snack, its also perfect lunch food and in turn evening food if you fancy a light meal. With tapas come paella, and so you can also order it on the side to bulk up your meal if you feel like going all out. Hopefully I will be eating much more of it in 2016.
Favourite quote
As I went back to university I spotted this quote on Instagram. 'Work hard and be nice to people' became my motto for my final year. Working hard because its my third year was a given, but more importantly being nice to people gains you so much in return. Just being friendly, smiley or kind, makes such a difference, not only to your general appearance but to your personality and mind. I will continue to strive by this quote.
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Suffragette: 'Never Give Up The Fight'
I never thought of myself as a feminist, and furthermore a campaigner for women's rights. Therefore I had not anticipated the immense feeling that came over once I left the cinema after watching this fantastic drama. As I strolled out, the world seemed somewhat questionable, even today, and I reflected on the times I had felt I was dismissed to participate in certain activities for simply being a girl. I don't want to seem like I'm preaching, but I really did, with the main question lingering in mind: Are men and women truly equal in the 21st century?
This is an argument that could lead to an endless debate, but a few points struck me that evening. For example, men are still paid a higher wage in some jobs. Women are expected to be replaced when they go on maternity leave and do not return to their original post on occasions when they return. In some countries, women are still heavily exploited in terms of labour.
Although, aside from this, women do have equal opportunities and in Britain at any rate. They have the same chance to go to university, they can please themselves just as men do and are not bound by social constrictions, although some jobs still retain a man or woman stereotype. Back in the early 1900s, women had little for to claim their own and the film certainly emphasises this. They had rights over their children. Only in 1925 was a law established to secure women's right to see their children. This issue is particularly addressed in the film and certainly saddened me.
As for the film itself, I thought it was an in-genuis piece of drama, with Carey Mulligan offering an exceptional leading performance. The film offers a great perspective on how working class women got in involved with the suffragette cause, contesting previous conceptions which suggest that this was an exclusive middle and upper class movement. The extent to which women went to declare their message was shown to a great, with rather harrowing scenes that shocked me and left me in ore of their selflessness and bravery.
I know we have had an election rather recently but seeing what these women endured to gain us the right to vote, encourages the idea that all women should use their vote even in ode to those women, even if you take no interest in politics. Seeing this masterpiece will influence you to exercise this right, or will provide you with admiration for women of the early twentieth century.
This is an argument that could lead to an endless debate, but a few points struck me that evening. For example, men are still paid a higher wage in some jobs. Women are expected to be replaced when they go on maternity leave and do not return to their original post on occasions when they return. In some countries, women are still heavily exploited in terms of labour.
Although, aside from this, women do have equal opportunities and in Britain at any rate. They have the same chance to go to university, they can please themselves just as men do and are not bound by social constrictions, although some jobs still retain a man or woman stereotype. Back in the early 1900s, women had little for to claim their own and the film certainly emphasises this. They had rights over their children. Only in 1925 was a law established to secure women's right to see their children. This issue is particularly addressed in the film and certainly saddened me.
As for the film itself, I thought it was an in-genuis piece of drama, with Carey Mulligan offering an exceptional leading performance. The film offers a great perspective on how working class women got in involved with the suffragette cause, contesting previous conceptions which suggest that this was an exclusive middle and upper class movement. The extent to which women went to declare their message was shown to a great, with rather harrowing scenes that shocked me and left me in ore of their selflessness and bravery.
I know we have had an election rather recently but seeing what these women endured to gain us the right to vote, encourages the idea that all women should use their vote even in ode to those women, even if you take no interest in politics. Seeing this masterpiece will influence you to exercise this right, or will provide you with admiration for women of the early twentieth century.
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
What can we learn from 'The Breakfast Club?
I only recently managed to watch this masterpiece after many people either quoted it or urged me to watch it, claiming it to be a 'classic' of the later 20th century. I was not disappointed. The film is truly a gem of the industry and this year celebrates thirty years from its release in 1985. Written and directed by John Hughes, the film focuses on a group of five high school students who are thrown together in a detention session held on a Saturday. Each student represents a stereotype of the conventional American high school. You have the jock or athlete (Andrew Clark), the princess or prom queen (Claire Standish), the criminal or bad boy (John Bender), the brain or the geek (Brian Ralph Johnson) and finally the outcast or basket case, (Allison Reynolds).
At first the film seems to have little content, just showing kids messing around in a library. However as the film progresses each character begins to emerge and it seems that they have more in common than they previously thought. After destroying parts of the library, making trips about the school in secret and smoking cannabis, the students begin to open up about their lives behind closed doors and reveal their inner demons. Although from the outset you understand that all the students are to do a day in detention, you are never told why. The creativity of Hughes's script allows the viewer to continue to be gripped to the screen, longing to find out why the students, some of which have unsuspected behavioural problems, find themselves in detention.
As each student shares their problems with the rest of the group, the narrative begins to finally piece together. We learn that Andrew is easily influenced by others and is constantly concerned with his image and is hammered by pressure from his father to excel as a wrestler. Claire is worried over her status as a virgin and hates the fact she frequently finds herself in the middle of arguments between her divorced parents. Allison is a compulsive liar who is ignored by her parents and therefore struggles to fit in. Brain attempted suicide due to a bad grade he received and from the building pressure of his parents to achieve a high GPA. Finally, John is often subject to abuse from his father and watches his mother being beaten by him.
This film really does capture our hearts and minds as I'm sure we can emphasise with at least one of the characters and their daily struggles. But what message is Hughes's attempting to portray in this film? Ultimately these five students act as a microcosm of western society. Each individual is a stereotype and placed into a certain clique, which is consequently echoed in society when people are placed in to a group due to their distinctive traits, talents or wealth.
What can we learn from 'The Breakfast Club'? We learn that it is incorrect to judge anyone on their appearance. By the end of the film Brian completes the task set by the principal to write an essay on 'who they think they are'. Brian adequately answers this question in simple terms that no matter who he thinks he is, he will still be judged in the eyes of others as a stereotypical geek. This certainly made me reflect on these words, and led me to believe this is entirely true. People who do not know definitely judge you on your appearances, which is now elevated through social media. Additionally, this film teaches us that everyone deserves a second chance. When Andrew first meets Allison he, as we all do, judges her on her appearances and social behaviour. The last thing he does is consider her as a romantic interest. By the end of the film, once barriers between the characters are dissolved, Allison allows Claire to give her a make over. Struck by her revealed beauty, Andrew totally changes his mind and ends up kissing Allison at the end of the film.
This film is ingenious in many ways but particularly as it is set in one day and in one room. Hughes's exceptional script has helped it develop in to one of the best films ever made which is still relevant today. Some people believe that brilliant films are defined by amazing graphics, famous actors or packed with plenty of action. Although these types of films are often great, its the films that offer a didactic message and connect emotionally with the viewer that are my favourite. For me, 'The Breakfast Club' is one of the best realist films of the 20th century, along with When Harry Met Sally of course.
At first the film seems to have little content, just showing kids messing around in a library. However as the film progresses each character begins to emerge and it seems that they have more in common than they previously thought. After destroying parts of the library, making trips about the school in secret and smoking cannabis, the students begin to open up about their lives behind closed doors and reveal their inner demons. Although from the outset you understand that all the students are to do a day in detention, you are never told why. The creativity of Hughes's script allows the viewer to continue to be gripped to the screen, longing to find out why the students, some of which have unsuspected behavioural problems, find themselves in detention.
As each student shares their problems with the rest of the group, the narrative begins to finally piece together. We learn that Andrew is easily influenced by others and is constantly concerned with his image and is hammered by pressure from his father to excel as a wrestler. Claire is worried over her status as a virgin and hates the fact she frequently finds herself in the middle of arguments between her divorced parents. Allison is a compulsive liar who is ignored by her parents and therefore struggles to fit in. Brain attempted suicide due to a bad grade he received and from the building pressure of his parents to achieve a high GPA. Finally, John is often subject to abuse from his father and watches his mother being beaten by him.
This film really does capture our hearts and minds as I'm sure we can emphasise with at least one of the characters and their daily struggles. But what message is Hughes's attempting to portray in this film? Ultimately these five students act as a microcosm of western society. Each individual is a stereotype and placed into a certain clique, which is consequently echoed in society when people are placed in to a group due to their distinctive traits, talents or wealth.
What can we learn from 'The Breakfast Club'? We learn that it is incorrect to judge anyone on their appearance. By the end of the film Brian completes the task set by the principal to write an essay on 'who they think they are'. Brian adequately answers this question in simple terms that no matter who he thinks he is, he will still be judged in the eyes of others as a stereotypical geek. This certainly made me reflect on these words, and led me to believe this is entirely true. People who do not know definitely judge you on your appearances, which is now elevated through social media. Additionally, this film teaches us that everyone deserves a second chance. When Andrew first meets Allison he, as we all do, judges her on her appearances and social behaviour. The last thing he does is consider her as a romantic interest. By the end of the film, once barriers between the characters are dissolved, Allison allows Claire to give her a make over. Struck by her revealed beauty, Andrew totally changes his mind and ends up kissing Allison at the end of the film.
This film is ingenious in many ways but particularly as it is set in one day and in one room. Hughes's exceptional script has helped it develop in to one of the best films ever made which is still relevant today. Some people believe that brilliant films are defined by amazing graphics, famous actors or packed with plenty of action. Although these types of films are often great, its the films that offer a didactic message and connect emotionally with the viewer that are my favourite. For me, 'The Breakfast Club' is one of the best realist films of the 20th century, along with When Harry Met Sally of course.
Friday, 4 September 2015
Far From the Madding Crowd- a moral message?
The three candidates for Miss Bathsheba Everdene, the lead role in this tale, sum up stereotypes we come across each day. They may already inhabit a place in your life at this current moment.
So what is the message Far From the Madding Crowd leaves us to reflect on? Ultimately the good guy wins over the girl after her dismissal of him originally. The moral of the story is, don't be fooled by the flashy guy. The guy who gets all the attention, and possibly loves himself more than he loves you. Bathsheba was right not to agree to the marriage with Mr Boldwood who she knew would not make her happy, even with his copious amounts of money. Finally we turn to our hero Gabriel. His loyalty, gentlemanly manner and his kind and humble approach to life is after all what we all desire. Once he decides to leave, it dawns on Bathsheba that she cannot be without him and is ardently in love with him. Whilst this story is a didactic tale, it also embodies the perfect and realistic fairytale but rather than the 'prince' being a man of wealth, he is our simple farmer, a 'prince' I'm sure we all have or will have in our lives.
Sunday, 30 August 2015
August- Jess Glynne
Jess Glynne. A name that we have heard many a time this year and what a summer she has had. After having a tough start breaking into the music industry, Glynne has made 2015 her year with 'Hold My Hand', 'Not Letting Go' with Tinie Tempah (my favourite of Glynne's hits) and the most recent addition 'Don't Be So Hard On Yourself' which is also incredibly catchy. Prior to this her collaborations with Gorgon City for 'Right Here, Route 94 for 'My Love' and Clean Bandit for 'Rather Be' have all hit the charts. Since hitting the music scene Glynne has enjoyed 5 UK number ones making her the second female artist to do this after Cheryl Cole, although Jess has achieved this in 18 months rather than Cheryl's 5 years.
However, as with any mounts of success Jess has overcome some hurdles this year when she under went surgery on her vocal chords. She has however bounced back in style and is still owning the charts, especially with her release of her album 'I Cry When I Laugh' which has shot to the number one spot on the UK album chart. Miss Glynne I hope still has plenty to give, and I'm sure both you and I are looking forward to more of those feel good hits.
The vid for Not Letting Go- if you've not seen it check it out, its brilliant.
However, as with any mounts of success Jess has overcome some hurdles this year when she under went surgery on her vocal chords. She has however bounced back in style and is still owning the charts, especially with her release of her album 'I Cry When I Laugh' which has shot to the number one spot on the UK album chart. Miss Glynne I hope still has plenty to give, and I'm sure both you and I are looking forward to more of those feel good hits.
The vid for Not Letting Go- if you've not seen it check it out, its brilliant.
Monday, 10 August 2015
Summer favourites
We are in mid August, the peak of the summer. With many people now jetting off on holiday what are those best picks to have with you in your suitcase? These picks are largely based on the prospect of you holidaying somewhere abroad, however if you are staying in the UK don't worry, still pack them but just throw the odd jumper in here and there!
1. High waisted shorts- An obvious choice, high waisted shorts are a must and go with virtually anything, particularly blue or black denim ones. They are sold anywhere and go perfectly with a patterned crop top which are also littering the shops. Not only this but high waisted shorts are also perfect for a night out, allowing you to show off that summer glow. Taylor Swift, who you know is a huge style icon of mine has worn high waisted shorts frequently on her current tour 1989.
2. The 90's crop top- As I mentioned above, high waisted shorts and the crop top make a perfect pair. I am heading off to Greece in 10 days and my suitcase will be filled with both these items. This is also a popular item to go into the summer sale which started recently in the UK and therefore if you are jetting off in the next couple of weeks, get down to your local hughstreet and buy some! The crop top varies in style but I particularly like the 90's high necked crop which has reentered the high street this season.
3. Anything white!- White is perfectly coupled with a summer tan, and therefore whenever summer stock hits the shops, many white products are in the collections. From trousers to crop tops, to blouses anything white will compliment your tan perfectly. I highly recommend wearing white nearing the end of your holiday as it will enhance your glow rather than wash you out.
4. Skorts- Skorts, what might look like a skirt is actually shorts. Its the most practical creation for a summer holiday and many come in a variety of patterns which go with anything, but particularly camis. Many skorts are also affordable and therefore are perfect for a holiday where they might get ruined.
5. The playsuit- One of the easiest things to wear in intense summer heat, the playsuit is perfect for your holiday. They come in a range of styles with some for more upmarket occasions or some which are suited for messing around on the beach. I especially like the playsuit with the slit across the midriff as they show off your summer tan whilst keeping it classy.
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
July- Anna Kendrick
What a year Anna Kendrick has had! The 29 year old star has dominated our screens with leading performances in a few of the big-time films released this year. Kendrick exercised her musical talent earlier this year in 'Into the Woods' alongside acting legend Meryl Streep; comedian and now high-flying American chat show host of 'The Late-Late Show' James Corden, the gorgeous Chris Pine, British actress Emily Blunt and the also undoubtedly attractive and acting legend Jonny Depp.
Not only did Kendrick shine through with her fantastic vocal ability in this film, but also in the musical movie of 2014 'The Last Five Years' which follows the story of a couple after their breakup with Cathy (Anna) retrospectively admiring their time together whilst Jamie, played by Jeremy Jordon, begins at the beginning of their relationship and chronologically follows its development. Based on a broadway musical, this film is a great watch, if you like musicals that is. Additionally Kendrick managed to juggle filming Happy Christmas, Life after Beth, The Voices and Cake that same year.
However, the reason I picked Miss Kendrick for my July 'celeb of the month' is obviously for her reprise as Beca Mitchell in the talked about film of the year, Pitch Perfect 2. Although it was released in UK cinemas in May this sequel lived up to its great expectations and was well received by audiences both in the UK and US. If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, or Pitch Perfect 'the original' for that matter, its a must see. Its simply hilarious. This is also thanks to Rebel Wilson who plays 'Fat Amy' who is a talented comic actress. If you don't follow 'Fat Amy' on Twitter you should, she (as in the character) sends out the funniest tweets about real life situations we are all faced with. Anyway, this film has really uplifted Kendrick's importance in the celeb and acting sphere. Since its release she has appeared on The Late Late Show with James Corden, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and on Ellen chatting about turning the big 30! Her musical talent was not only recognised in this film but in its prequel, with the release of 'Cups', the song which got everyone singing and practicing the tune with some plastic cups. The song reached number 2 on the US billboard, thats some pretty good going!
Not only has Kendrick's success been echoed by the box office, but on the red carpet she had a vital role to play kicking off the Oscars with Neil Patrick Harris. She also fitted in perfectly alongside the likes of Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone and Reese Witherspoon, now being acknowledged as one of the leading female actresses of the day. This girl has come along way from 'that girl in Twilight' and has much more to give with new releases lined up for this year. You will also be pleased to know that Kendrick has signed up for Pitch Perfect 3 reprising her role as Beca Mitchell which is set to release in 2017. I'm excited already! Well done Anna Kendrick for all your hard work, you've made it to the big time.
I'm going to leave you with my favourite moment from Pitch Perfect 2. Again, although I may sound like a promoter, its worth a watch. Beca effin Mitchell.
Not only did Kendrick shine through with her fantastic vocal ability in this film, but also in the musical movie of 2014 'The Last Five Years' which follows the story of a couple after their breakup with Cathy (Anna) retrospectively admiring their time together whilst Jamie, played by Jeremy Jordon, begins at the beginning of their relationship and chronologically follows its development. Based on a broadway musical, this film is a great watch, if you like musicals that is. Additionally Kendrick managed to juggle filming Happy Christmas, Life after Beth, The Voices and Cake that same year.
However, the reason I picked Miss Kendrick for my July 'celeb of the month' is obviously for her reprise as Beca Mitchell in the talked about film of the year, Pitch Perfect 2. Although it was released in UK cinemas in May this sequel lived up to its great expectations and was well received by audiences both in the UK and US. If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, or Pitch Perfect 'the original' for that matter, its a must see. Its simply hilarious. This is also thanks to Rebel Wilson who plays 'Fat Amy' who is a talented comic actress. If you don't follow 'Fat Amy' on Twitter you should, she (as in the character) sends out the funniest tweets about real life situations we are all faced with. Anyway, this film has really uplifted Kendrick's importance in the celeb and acting sphere. Since its release she has appeared on The Late Late Show with James Corden, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and on Ellen chatting about turning the big 30! Her musical talent was not only recognised in this film but in its prequel, with the release of 'Cups', the song which got everyone singing and practicing the tune with some plastic cups. The song reached number 2 on the US billboard, thats some pretty good going!
Kendrick on 'The Late Late Show'
The cast of Pitch Perfect 2
'Cups' (such a catchy song)
Not only has Kendrick's success been echoed by the box office, but on the red carpet she had a vital role to play kicking off the Oscars with Neil Patrick Harris. She also fitted in perfectly alongside the likes of Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone and Reese Witherspoon, now being acknowledged as one of the leading female actresses of the day. This girl has come along way from 'that girl in Twilight' and has much more to give with new releases lined up for this year. You will also be pleased to know that Kendrick has signed up for Pitch Perfect 3 reprising her role as Beca Mitchell which is set to release in 2017. I'm excited already! Well done Anna Kendrick for all your hard work, you've made it to the big time.
I'm going to leave you with my favourite moment from Pitch Perfect 2. Again, although I may sound like a promoter, its worth a watch. Beca effin Mitchell.
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
Versatile Blogger Award
So I have been nominated by the fantastic Mads from the blog 'I'm Looking For Me!' for the Versatile Blogger Award! I am trying to keep my blog contemporary, discussing current issues and trending topics. Firstly I would like to say thank you! Here is a link to her blog- its definitely worth a look- I'm Looking For Me!
The Sunday Girl
The Blonde Salad
Lamia L
London Unattached
Fashion Confessions
Nappy Hairz
The Blonde Salad
Lamia L
London Unattached
Fashion Confessions
Nappy Hairz
And finally here are 7 facts about me:
1. I live in the middle of the UK (literally the furtherest place away from the sea in England)
2. I am a huge fan of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
3. I am half Irish
4. I have a dog named Tilly
5. I love Rom-coms
6. I am a student at Oxford Brookes University
7. I have had a major crush on Channing Tatum since the release of Step Up and She's the Man in 2006. (Hence the large picture of his adorable face below)
7. I have had a major crush on Channing Tatum since the release of Step Up and She's the Man in 2006. (Hence the large picture of his adorable face below)
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
June- David Beckham
So my celeb of the month for June is British football legend and sweetheart David Beckham. This beautiful man needs no introduction but is one of the biggest icons in the world today. Unlike some celebs, David is humble, a promoter of British culture, demonstrated with his involvement in the Olympics and pledge to host the World Cup but most of all Becks embodies the classic tale everybody loves, the story of a young boy who's life is transformed as he goes from rags to riches with plenty of hard work.
It's a well known fact that Becks is fantastic all year round, however this month he has stood out on a number of occasions. Since turning the big 40 in May, our British icon has extended his position as a UNICEF GoodWill Ambassador which he has held for the past ten years and this month headed off to Cambodia to meet and greet children who had been endured physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Earlier this year Becks also launched his very own UNICEF charity '7': The David Beckham UNICEF fund which helps to protect children worldwide who have been subject to such monstrosities.
It's a well known fact that Becks is fantastic all year round, however this month he has stood out on a number of occasions. Since turning the big 40 in May, our British icon has extended his position as a UNICEF GoodWill Ambassador which he has held for the past ten years and this month headed off to Cambodia to meet and greet children who had been endured physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Earlier this year Becks also launched his very own UNICEF charity '7': The David Beckham UNICEF fund which helps to protect children worldwide who have been subject to such monstrosities.
This month David has also become better acquainted with Her Majesty The Queen as he visited Buckingham Palace for the Queen's Young Leaders event in which he sat beside Her Majesty in a photo not too dissimilar from his football squad shots.
Mr Beckham is also renowned for his role as a 'family man' and this was proved only in the last few days when Becks showed off his new tat of a minion nominated by his daughter by Harper (don't worry its only a fake!). Beckham was also spotted in Cambridge recently punting with his family. As David frequently reiterates he thanks his family for his continued success, and now the Beckhams themselves are all very successful. Victoria as we know a former Spice Girl now has numerous fashion lines and Romeo has become the new face of Burberry. I think what makes David so special is the close relationship he holds with his wife and children. People love that he holds family values and high morals close to his heart. Beckham himself is also style icon, often modelling for H and M and Burberry.
Watching David Beckham grow in the last ten years from England football legend to a family man and international icon makes me feel proud that he is British. We are very lucky to have such a fabulous human being. Maybe he continue to be brilliant. Thank you Becks.
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Motivation to get fit- This Girl Can
I'm officially on my campaign to reach that desired 'summer body' which is so heavily publicised in the build up to the summer holidays. As a student, my summer holidays are very loooonnnggg but great as they are filled with chilling with friends in the sun, trips out on bike rides and walks, and of course flying off aboard to see some more guaranteed sunshine.
So, why am I blogging about fitness? I feel women are pressured to 'look good' physically. I agree men also experience this pressure however all over Twitter, Instagram and in the press are images which show the 'ideal' women's body, basically an image of an athletic woman complete with six pack. Moreover in magazines, frequently across the front pages show women of the celeb world who have 'put on weight' or 'lost their shape'. I'm no fitness fanatic, but with all the fitness promotions appearing in the media in the run up to summer I have been inspired to partake in more physical activity, including spending half a dozen hours a week in the gym. I don't believe everyone needs to be going to the gym every day, but I do think partaking in some form of physical activity once a week has no end of benefits. Women especially are being targeted in these campaigns as surveys demonstrate that so many more men exercise on a weekly basis than women. Recently we witnessed the release of the Sport England's 'This Girl Can' campaign which was aimed at everyday women, who work full time, are single parents or simply want to go and get fitter to exercise. It shows women playing sport, on runs, in the gym; they are all simply participating in exercise.
The recent release of the Nike advert also perfectly summarises the plea for ordinary women to get fit, with each individual participating in activity that is not necessarily intense, but is right for them. The group of women are endeavouring to 'get fitter' although they are no gym addicts themselves. The slogan and message emphasised by the video is 'Better For It' which promotes the idea that no matter what exercise you do, you will feel the benefit.
So what are the benefits of exercise on a regular basis?
So, why am I blogging about fitness? I feel women are pressured to 'look good' physically. I agree men also experience this pressure however all over Twitter, Instagram and in the press are images which show the 'ideal' women's body, basically an image of an athletic woman complete with six pack. Moreover in magazines, frequently across the front pages show women of the celeb world who have 'put on weight' or 'lost their shape'. I'm no fitness fanatic, but with all the fitness promotions appearing in the media in the run up to summer I have been inspired to partake in more physical activity, including spending half a dozen hours a week in the gym. I don't believe everyone needs to be going to the gym every day, but I do think partaking in some form of physical activity once a week has no end of benefits. Women especially are being targeted in these campaigns as surveys demonstrate that so many more men exercise on a weekly basis than women. Recently we witnessed the release of the Sport England's 'This Girl Can' campaign which was aimed at everyday women, who work full time, are single parents or simply want to go and get fitter to exercise. It shows women playing sport, on runs, in the gym; they are all simply participating in exercise.
The recent release of the Nike advert also perfectly summarises the plea for ordinary women to get fit, with each individual participating in activity that is not necessarily intense, but is right for them. The group of women are endeavouring to 'get fitter' although they are no gym addicts themselves. The slogan and message emphasised by the video is 'Better For It' which promotes the idea that no matter what exercise you do, you will feel the benefit.
So what are the benefits of exercise on a regular basis?
- Sense of achievement
- Reduces heart disease
- Reduces risk of cancer
- Helps you to to set goals
- Reduces the risk of dementia
- Reduces the risk of osteoporosis
- Reduces likeliness of depression, stress and anxiety
- Enhances mental perfomance
- Improves you skin
- Prevents muscle decay
So go on, get out and there and get fit. Even if your playing tennis once a week, going swimming on the occasion or going for regular jogs. Trust me- you will feel 'better for it'.
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Top five albums to have on loop this summer
So summer is approaching which means plenty of time chilling in the garden, on the beach or on holiday somewhere plugged in listening to your favourite tunes. Are you wondering what to add to your playlist next? Look no further, as these albums by this collection of incredible artists are definitely worth a listen over the summer break.
1. Sam Smith- In The Lonely Hour
1. Sam Smith- In The Lonely Hour
I'm sure you've heard his name everywhere! In the charts and on the TV, Sam Smith has dominated the music industry for the last 6 months and has been labelled the male version of Adele for his big voice and his rapid rise to fame. He has had several best-selling singles from this album including Stay With Me, I'm Not The Only One and Like I Can. Sam has also won 4 Grammys, 2 Brit Awards and more recently 3 Billboard Music Awards. I don't think there is one song on this album that I'm not so keen on, they are all brilliant.
2. James Bay- Choas and Calm
A newcomer to the music industry, James Bay stormed up the charts with the single Hold Back the River, which when it was first released, I was obsessed with. His album shot up to the number one best seller in the UK and reached fifteen in the US charts, a remarkable achievement for a guy of 24. I love this album, I think James is a true genius, his songs are both emotive and individually fantastic. This album has great originality and his acoustic sound is perfect to listen to throughout the summer with a cider in hand. My favourite tunes include; Scars, If You Ever Want To Be In Love and When We Were On Fire. He is definitely next on my list to see live.
I first heard this album last year, it became our holiday soundtrack when I was down in Salcombe, Devon with family and friends. It is truly great. Ezra has such a unique voice he's almost addictive to listen to. His voice, I believe, is a great one for summer as its so chilled and helps you relax. George, only 21, was nominated for 4 Brit Awards and his album reached number 3 in the UK charts. His most popular songs are Budapest, Blame it On Me and Cassy O', however my favourite is Barcelona.
4. Taylor Swift- 1989
Now I know I have already discussed Taylor in my previous post, nominating her as my inspirational icon of the month, but I have to reiterate how brilliant her album. The title derives from the year of her birth and Taylor has claimed that many of the songs have been inspired by hits of the late eighties such as Madonna's Like a Prayer. This album is a lot more 'poppy' than her previous albums such as Red and establishes Swift's transgression as a country singer to a pop icon. My favourite tracks from the album include Blank Space, Wildest Dreams and How To Get The Girl. Following Swift's success with this release, definitely check this one out.
5. Years and Years- Y & Y EP
I have quickly become a big fan of Years and Years, even before they hit the charts. Since the release of their single King, which reached number 1 on the UK charts the band have had a sequence of success with hits such as Desire and Take Shelter. Their new release Shine is also worth checking out.
You may recognise the lead, Olly Alexander, from films such as Great Expectations in which he played Herbet Pocket alongside Jeremy Irvine who played Pip. He has also starred in the Riot Club, Skins and more recently has appeared in the TV series Penny Dreadful. I think this band are yet to achieve big things; they have mountains of success coming their way. Their unique sound brings something new to the music industry and all their songs are very catchy with great backing tracks.
4. Taylor Swift- 1989
Now I know I have already discussed Taylor in my previous post, nominating her as my inspirational icon of the month, but I have to reiterate how brilliant her album. The title derives from the year of her birth and Taylor has claimed that many of the songs have been inspired by hits of the late eighties such as Madonna's Like a Prayer. This album is a lot more 'poppy' than her previous albums such as Red and establishes Swift's transgression as a country singer to a pop icon. My favourite tracks from the album include Blank Space, Wildest Dreams and How To Get The Girl. Following Swift's success with this release, definitely check this one out.
5. Years and Years- Y & Y EP
I have quickly become a big fan of Years and Years, even before they hit the charts. Since the release of their single King, which reached number 1 on the UK charts the band have had a sequence of success with hits such as Desire and Take Shelter. Their new release Shine is also worth checking out.
You may recognise the lead, Olly Alexander, from films such as Great Expectations in which he played Herbet Pocket alongside Jeremy Irvine who played Pip. He has also starred in the Riot Club, Skins and more recently has appeared in the TV series Penny Dreadful. I think this band are yet to achieve big things; they have mountains of success coming their way. Their unique sound brings something new to the music industry and all their songs are very catchy with great backing tracks.
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
The Imitation Game
After missing the release of The Imitation Game at the cinema, I sat down a couple of nights ago and watched it and it did not fail to live up to my expectations; it was fantastic. I was both astounded and saddened to know the final fate of Alan Turing, the inspiration behind the film. The film focuses on the cracking of the Nazi enigma code in the Second World War led by Alan, the breaking of this code effectively won the war for the Allies. Real emphasis is placed on Alan's invention 'Christopher', the enigma code translator, which has now been regarded as the first computer ever built. Despite his efforts, Mr Turing was dismissed as a 'hero' of the war and his achievements were previously overlooked due to the discovery that he was a homosexual, an illegal offence at the time. He underwent horrific chemical treatments to try and 'cure' him of this 'disease'. In recent times, Alan's triumph has been recognised as one of the biggest achievements in British history and he has been pardoned by the Queen, however only recently in December 2014 for his 'scandalous' behaviour. Alan maintained the phrase that 'Sometimes it's the people no one imagined anything of do things which no one ever imagined', which perfectly summaries his achievement. He is now regarded as the pioneer of our modern day computers, which we cannot live without and with his 'Christopher' it is said he shortened the war by over two years. I think this quote by Alan is always something we should remember. If your ever feeling like you can't reach your dreams, are being overlooked, or are having a bad day, don't forget that if you persist hard enough you can accomplish anything you want to.
Additionally, Benedict Cumberbatch (oo I love his name) portrayed Alan's trials and tribulations perfectly, I think this is possibly Cumberbatch's best performance yet. Cumberbatch, who is renowned as Sherlock Holmes on the BBC series Sherlock, Starter for Ten and Atonement, I felt deserved a Bafta for his performance in this film, however his rival Eddie Redmayne playing Professor Stephen Hawking also delivered an excellent performance in The Theory of Everything (also worth a watch). So I recommend an evening in watching The Imitation Game, maybe get some popcorn to add to the cinematic experience, you don't want to miss it.
Below is the trailer of The Imitation Game- so check it out!
Additionally, Benedict Cumberbatch (oo I love his name) portrayed Alan's trials and tribulations perfectly, I think this is possibly Cumberbatch's best performance yet. Cumberbatch, who is renowned as Sherlock Holmes on the BBC series Sherlock, Starter for Ten and Atonement, I felt deserved a Bafta for his performance in this film, however his rival Eddie Redmayne playing Professor Stephen Hawking also delivered an excellent performance in The Theory of Everything (also worth a watch). So I recommend an evening in watching The Imitation Game, maybe get some popcorn to add to the cinematic experience, you don't want to miss it.
Alan Turing 1912-1954
Below is the trailer of The Imitation Game- so check it out!
Monday, 18 May 2015
May- Taylor Swift
Celebs are everywhere; all over Twitter, Instagram, in magazines and on TV, however how much do we really know about them? A relatively new idea of mine is to post each month about a celeb who has appeared in the media recently due to success or are inspirational individuals. So starting off this trend is Miss Taylor Swift, who I am sure you are all familiar with. So why Taylor?
Don't you watch videos of Taylor now and think how grown up she has become? Far gone are those days as a sweet young country singer in music videos such as Love Story and Teardrops on My Guitar. I picked Taylor this month due to her latest release Bad Blood, which echoes the amount of success she has and how 'bad ass' she has become in more recent years. Starring big time celebs such as Cara Devevingne, Ellie Goulding and Selena Gomez, the video emphasises 'girl power' (no men feature in this video!) and shows Taylor to be sophisticated, sexy and most importantly authoritative which perfectly resembles the figure she has become. She has just been named the number 1 on Maxim Hot List for 2015 and doesn't she deserve it? She has also become a style icon, especially with her trademark 'red lips' which has encouraged many young girls to copy this trait. Her haircut which was most prominently showcased in her video Blank Space, inspired me to go shorter over Christmas to achieve a more 'grown up' look which I think Taylor carries off so well. Additionally Miss Swift racked an income of 64 million in 2014 after the obvious first big selling female artist, Beyonce. But her success doesn't end there...
Bad Blood
Taylor's new album 1989 is truly great! I've uploaded it to my phone thanks to a friend of mine and every song is really good, not like some albums where you pick your favourites to listen to and discard the rest. However I do have my favourites, including: Blank Space, Style, Wildest Dreams and How to Get the Girl. What I like about Taylor and particularly this album is you can listen to her when in any mood and when anywhere, she has a song to suit that journey home on the bus, in your bed at night or good tunes for a party. So I highly encourage all you readers to go and have a listen!
Unfortunately nothing is ever perfect, a message Taylor frequently reiterates herself, as Taylor's mum was diagnosed with cancer in December 2014. Despite this Taylor has stated that the last twelve months have been the best months of her life so far. She became a tourist ambassador for New York, has produced an album she has always wanted to make and has won various awards. She won several Billboard Awards including Top Female Artist 2015, was nominated for 3 grammys, won Favourite Female Artist in the People's Choice Awards and International Female Solo Artist at this years Brit Awards. Although she has been very successful in the music industry, Miss Swift has been renound to be not so good on the dating scene. Past boyfriends include; Joe Jonas, Lucas Till, Cory Monteith, John Mayer, Taylor Launtner, Jake Gyllenhaal, Conor Kennedy, and the most remembered, cheeky boy Harry Styles. However, with her new man by her side Mr Calvin Harris, has Taylor found her 'Love Story' after all?
Top Female Artist- Billboard Awards 17.05.2015
Don't you watch videos of Taylor now and think how grown up she has become? Far gone are those days as a sweet young country singer in music videos such as Love Story and Teardrops on My Guitar. I picked Taylor this month due to her latest release Bad Blood, which echoes the amount of success she has and how 'bad ass' she has become in more recent years. Starring big time celebs such as Cara Devevingne, Ellie Goulding and Selena Gomez, the video emphasises 'girl power' (no men feature in this video!) and shows Taylor to be sophisticated, sexy and most importantly authoritative which perfectly resembles the figure she has become. She has just been named the number 1 on Maxim Hot List for 2015 and doesn't she deserve it? She has also become a style icon, especially with her trademark 'red lips' which has encouraged many young girls to copy this trait. Her haircut which was most prominently showcased in her video Blank Space, inspired me to go shorter over Christmas to achieve a more 'grown up' look which I think Taylor carries off so well. Additionally Miss Swift racked an income of 64 million in 2014 after the obvious first big selling female artist, Beyonce. But her success doesn't end there...
Taylor's new album 1989 is truly great! I've uploaded it to my phone thanks to a friend of mine and every song is really good, not like some albums where you pick your favourites to listen to and discard the rest. However I do have my favourites, including: Blank Space, Style, Wildest Dreams and How to Get the Girl. What I like about Taylor and particularly this album is you can listen to her when in any mood and when anywhere, she has a song to suit that journey home on the bus, in your bed at night or good tunes for a party. So I highly encourage all you readers to go and have a listen!
Unfortunately nothing is ever perfect, a message Taylor frequently reiterates herself, as Taylor's mum was diagnosed with cancer in December 2014. Despite this Taylor has stated that the last twelve months have been the best months of her life so far. She became a tourist ambassador for New York, has produced an album she has always wanted to make and has won various awards. She won several Billboard Awards including Top Female Artist 2015, was nominated for 3 grammys, won Favourite Female Artist in the People's Choice Awards and International Female Solo Artist at this years Brit Awards. Although she has been very successful in the music industry, Miss Swift has been renound to be not so good on the dating scene. Past boyfriends include; Joe Jonas, Lucas Till, Cory Monteith, John Mayer, Taylor Launtner, Jake Gyllenhaal, Conor Kennedy, and the most remembered, cheeky boy Harry Styles. However, with her new man by her side Mr Calvin Harris, has Taylor found her 'Love Story' after all?
Top Female Artist- Billboard Awards 17.05.2015
Taylor's humblness and wise words surrounding relationships and her approach to the conflict surrounding women over being labelled 'attractive' based on certain physical features has elevated her respectability even more amongst the public. Lets commence Taylor for her success, she works very hard and has therefore come along way from those days singing about Romeo and Juliet and other fairytale romances. That transition from country singer to chart topping pop artist is evident in her music now. Today Taylor sings about power, finding yourself, and loving who you are which is especially reflected in her new album in songs such as Welcome to New York, Shake it Off and Blank Space. So well done Taylor, keep it up, I'm sure there are more awards, success and number 1's on the horizon.
Love Story- Back in 2008 when Miss Swift was just starting out! I'm sure you all remember that one.
Blank Space- Produced in 2014 this video demonstrates how Taylor's style has developed and rocks and damn good and sassy attitude. How she has matured.
Taylor, in a recent interview has shed light on why she believes feminism to be 'vital' to society in reaching equality between sexes. Check out Buzzfeed for more information on this!
Taylor Swift on Double Standards And The Importance Of Feminism
Love Story- Back in 2008 when Miss Swift was just starting out! I'm sure you all remember that one.
Blank Space- Produced in 2014 this video demonstrates how Taylor's style has developed and rocks and damn good and sassy attitude. How she has matured.
Taylor, in a recent interview has shed light on why she believes feminism to be 'vital' to society in reaching equality between sexes. Check out Buzzfeed for more information on this!
Taylor Swift on Double Standards And The Importance Of Feminism
Sunday, 17 May 2015
The Election- how did do the young voters do?
Now we know the result, it is interesting to consider how many young people went out and voted in the election. Many people who were very apprehensive over what proportion of 18-24 year olds were to actually turn up to the polling stations. A survey conducted by CosRes suggested that 1 in 4 young people did not vote. I think this is rather true. For example, out of my 6 flatmates, only 3 of us voted and interestingly they are all girls. Since 1992 the turn out from young voters in Britain has dramatically declined, but why is this? It is possibly due to the fact that now young voters must register individually on the electoral register rather than by household.
So how did we do in 2015? According to Sky News, and with thanks to the British Electoral Study, 6 out of 10 young people voted in the election. Thats more than half! This is an improvement on the last two elections, as the turn out this year was 58% compared with the 52% in 2010 and 38% in 2005. Issues such as the state of the NHS, immigration and tuition fees have all grasped the attention of young voters, however I believe its the increase of use of social media by political parties and by politicians that has really captivated the young people of Britain. For example, on May the 7th, Facebook had a automated status you could post declaring that you had taken part in the election. The continuous flow of the caption 'so and so has voted in the 2015 general election' on newsfeeds across the country may have encouraged young voters who had registered to go and submit their polling card. Also Twitter was highly active throughout the build up to the election with various politicians tweeting their manifestos which may have also enticed young people to go out and vote. Something I noticed was the emphasis placed on young women to go out and vote, with many twitter campaigns sharing images of the suffragettes furiously campaigning for the vote back in 1918 which was possibly initiated as we are nearing the one hundred year anniversary of gaining that right.
Social media is the perfect way for politicians to contact the young generation, as nearly everyone has Facebook or Twitter or some form of network that allows them to connect with people beyond the walls of their home. I therefore think in the next election of 2020, we will witness, I hope, an increase in young people actively taking part in the election because they are aware of its implications.
For me, and I know many of you out there will share this view, the vote is important for young people. I think we need to continue to turn out for the vote, don't think it doesn't concern you. Remember this government and Mr Cameron will be in power for the next 5 years. A lot can happen in this time. I will be finished university and looking for a job, which is when governmental policies will come in to play in my life. Also I agree that all you women out there should vote for all those women who gained you that right, gave up their lives and went to extreme measures. So if there is anything we can learn from this election, its keep updated on politics through social media, its more important than you may think!
So how did we do in 2015? According to Sky News, and with thanks to the British Electoral Study, 6 out of 10 young people voted in the election. Thats more than half! This is an improvement on the last two elections, as the turn out this year was 58% compared with the 52% in 2010 and 38% in 2005. Issues such as the state of the NHS, immigration and tuition fees have all grasped the attention of young voters, however I believe its the increase of use of social media by political parties and by politicians that has really captivated the young people of Britain. For example, on May the 7th, Facebook had a automated status you could post declaring that you had taken part in the election. The continuous flow of the caption 'so and so has voted in the 2015 general election' on newsfeeds across the country may have encouraged young voters who had registered to go and submit their polling card. Also Twitter was highly active throughout the build up to the election with various politicians tweeting their manifestos which may have also enticed young people to go out and vote. Something I noticed was the emphasis placed on young women to go out and vote, with many twitter campaigns sharing images of the suffragettes furiously campaigning for the vote back in 1918 which was possibly initiated as we are nearing the one hundred year anniversary of gaining that right.
Social media is the perfect way for politicians to contact the young generation, as nearly everyone has Facebook or Twitter or some form of network that allows them to connect with people beyond the walls of their home. I therefore think in the next election of 2020, we will witness, I hope, an increase in young people actively taking part in the election because they are aware of its implications.
For me, and I know many of you out there will share this view, the vote is important for young people. I think we need to continue to turn out for the vote, don't think it doesn't concern you. Remember this government and Mr Cameron will be in power for the next 5 years. A lot can happen in this time. I will be finished university and looking for a job, which is when governmental policies will come in to play in my life. Also I agree that all you women out there should vote for all those women who gained you that right, gave up their lives and went to extreme measures. So if there is anything we can learn from this election, its keep updated on politics through social media, its more important than you may think!
Sunday, 10 May 2015
The Liebster Awards 2015
Getting a nomination for a Liebster award is a privilege! As a newcomer to the blogging scene, only beginning my blog in May last year, I have been hooked posting things which have inspired me to share with you.
Thankyou very much to Listen Lauren for my nomination, you are a great friend of mine and your blog is truly awesome. Everyone should defiantly check out this blog, especially friday posts which for us women out there as it makes us think about the world we live in today.
As promised I will answer all the questions posed to me by Lauren, so here we go!
What place is #1 on your travel bucket list?
Currently, that would have to be New York. I am desperate to see all the grand sites, experience Broadway and explore Central Park.
Chocolate or cheese?
Oooo, chocolate every time.
What is the next book you want to read?
Mrs. Dolloway by Virginia Woolf. I am going to be commencing my study on women in the early 1920's for my dissertation and this book seems to demonstrate perfectly the expectations, behaviour and the degree of freedom women experienced after the First World War. A good friend very kindly bought this for me recently and I look forward to reading it.
Words of wisdom to pass on to your future child?
Don't worry what other people think of you too much. Stay true to yourself. Be kind, honest and have faith in yourself and you'll be okay.
What is your dream job?
Be an actress like Keira Knightly, however I have a feeling that dream is slightly far fetched. Therefore I suppose a realistic dream is to be a journalist, to write and have people read my work and think yeah, this is good.
Sunsets or sunrises? What is the story of your best experience of one?
Sunsets are my favourite, and my best one has to be sat on a beach with a cider in hand surrounded by friends quite content. I would like to do this more often!
Netflix or YouTube?
Netflix, simply because I have recently signed up once again and I love exploring the variety of films they have on there, especially the oldies!
Who is your favourite disney 'princess'?
I think Cinderella. I think her humble character and hardworking personality makes her transformation from rags to riches even more brilliant. Of course, I also like the fact it gives the message that no matter where you come from, if you possess kindness and courage you can find your 'prince'.
Are you answering these at night or in the day?
Night. I am much more of a night owl than an early bird.
If you could master any skill, what would it be?
Hmm, probably to be a fantastic public speaker. I think this skill is crucial to the lives we lead, however I would love to 'master' that skill to its full potential.
Do you believe in aliens?
Yes. Although they are not green with giant black eyes. I think its highly likely, out there in another solar system exists a planet very similar to Earth which has the optimum conditions to produce living organisms.
Now, here is a set of my own questions!
1. Dogs or Cats?
2. If you could play any character from a TV show, who would it be and why?
3. What is your favourite season?
4. What was the last picture taken on your phone?
5. If you could wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, who would it be?
6. What is the first thing you notice about someone?
7. What would be the perfect day?
8. What was the last film you watched?
9. London, Paris or New York?
10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
11. What are you most proud of in your life right now?
So here is my list of nominees for an award. They are all deserving candidates and Im sure are all ones to watch for the future. So go take a look at their posts!
Thankyou very much to Listen Lauren for my nomination, you are a great friend of mine and your blog is truly awesome. Everyone should defiantly check out this blog, especially friday posts which for us women out there as it makes us think about the world we live in today.
As promised I will answer all the questions posed to me by Lauren, so here we go!
What place is #1 on your travel bucket list?
Currently, that would have to be New York. I am desperate to see all the grand sites, experience Broadway and explore Central Park.
Chocolate or cheese?
Oooo, chocolate every time.
What is the next book you want to read?
Mrs. Dolloway by Virginia Woolf. I am going to be commencing my study on women in the early 1920's for my dissertation and this book seems to demonstrate perfectly the expectations, behaviour and the degree of freedom women experienced after the First World War. A good friend very kindly bought this for me recently and I look forward to reading it.
Words of wisdom to pass on to your future child?
Don't worry what other people think of you too much. Stay true to yourself. Be kind, honest and have faith in yourself and you'll be okay.
What is your dream job?
Be an actress like Keira Knightly, however I have a feeling that dream is slightly far fetched. Therefore I suppose a realistic dream is to be a journalist, to write and have people read my work and think yeah, this is good.
Sunsets or sunrises? What is the story of your best experience of one?
Sunsets are my favourite, and my best one has to be sat on a beach with a cider in hand surrounded by friends quite content. I would like to do this more often!
Netflix or YouTube?
Netflix, simply because I have recently signed up once again and I love exploring the variety of films they have on there, especially the oldies!
Who is your favourite disney 'princess'?
I think Cinderella. I think her humble character and hardworking personality makes her transformation from rags to riches even more brilliant. Of course, I also like the fact it gives the message that no matter where you come from, if you possess kindness and courage you can find your 'prince'.
Are you answering these at night or in the day?
Night. I am much more of a night owl than an early bird.
If you could master any skill, what would it be?
Hmm, probably to be a fantastic public speaker. I think this skill is crucial to the lives we lead, however I would love to 'master' that skill to its full potential.
Do you believe in aliens?
Yes. Although they are not green with giant black eyes. I think its highly likely, out there in another solar system exists a planet very similar to Earth which has the optimum conditions to produce living organisms.
Now, here is a set of my own questions!
1. Dogs or Cats?
2. If you could play any character from a TV show, who would it be and why?
3. What is your favourite season?
4. What was the last picture taken on your phone?
5. If you could wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, who would it be?
6. What is the first thing you notice about someone?
7. What would be the perfect day?
8. What was the last film you watched?
9. London, Paris or New York?
10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
11. What are you most proud of in your life right now?
So here is my list of nominees for an award. They are all deserving candidates and Im sure are all ones to watch for the future. So go take a look at their posts!
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Life scare... where am I going?
As a young and rather carefree twenty year old nearing the end of her second year of university many ask, have I given thought to my future? And the answer is always is of course I have! (followed by a list of a series of jobs I would like to do, which I continually add to the more people ask me this question), although I always think to my self, the future scares me! Only the other day a group of friends and I discussed silly things like, who out of all our friends is most likely to have children first, become famous, get a tattoo, become a millionaire... then we got on the dreaded subjects of weddings. You must not deny it, and gentlemen if your reading this, yes it goes through our heads... the image of the perfect wedding. Obviously this image is imagined with money as no object as it often involves brass bands, beautiful country estates and the 'perfect' dress which funnily enough doesn't have a price tag. I agree as many people do that your wedding day is the best and most memorable day of your life, however its those little moments with others that you should treasure. I think everyone forgets this and before you know it, life has gone from under your feet and your nearing the end. As much as talking about weddings and other things excite me, knowing I have some wonderful times to look forward to, we should cherish the unknown and the time we sit talking about these events.
I'm sure this 'wow, I'm no where near achieving my goals yet' feeling or anxiety is fairly normal with many young people, but all you can do is take steps in the right direction.
Lets think about it this way; one of the most beautiful things about life is you don't know where your going, if you did, wouldn't it be dull?
Below is the John Lewis advert from 2010. Although you may think this is fairly random, don't worry its very relevant. Its shows exactly how people perceive life to be, following through from one life stage to the next. The reality is, life stages don't exist. Many people (well girls) say, 'by the time I'm 28 I want to married with my first child on the way', however if you knew that, wouldn't you just be anticipating the event? Think about life as a train. You get on at one platform (your birth) and then its a continuous ride until you get off at your final destination. It may slow down at points, but it picks up again. It may break down, but don't worry, it gets repaired. This advert is the perfect summary of what everyone wants life to be, and what life essentially should be. Also the soundtrack, 'Always a Woman', originally sung by Billy Joel is a beautiful song.
Think about what now means for you. For me now, life is about music, plenty of it, listening to anything and everything at every opportunity. I love finding new bands or songs by upcoming artists. Its about going out, with friends, if its to the local pub, for a coffee or out on the town. I love spending time with friends, each one of them inspires to do something differently or enlightens me on a alternative perspective of the world. Its about watching films. I love finding films on Netflix which date back to the eighties and nineties, or watching new releases at the cinema. Its about fashion. I love reading about upcoming trends, what celebs have been wearing on the red carpet, and new techniques on how to look after yourself with home remedies or how to get fit quick, I love trying out these techniques basically to see if they are any good. Life is about enjoying the moment.
John Lennon famously said 'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans' which I believe perfectly summerises how life really happens.
I'm sure this 'wow, I'm no where near achieving my goals yet' feeling or anxiety is fairly normal with many young people, but all you can do is take steps in the right direction.
Lets think about it this way; one of the most beautiful things about life is you don't know where your going, if you did, wouldn't it be dull?
Below is the John Lewis advert from 2010. Although you may think this is fairly random, don't worry its very relevant. Its shows exactly how people perceive life to be, following through from one life stage to the next. The reality is, life stages don't exist. Many people (well girls) say, 'by the time I'm 28 I want to married with my first child on the way', however if you knew that, wouldn't you just be anticipating the event? Think about life as a train. You get on at one platform (your birth) and then its a continuous ride until you get off at your final destination. It may slow down at points, but it picks up again. It may break down, but don't worry, it gets repaired. This advert is the perfect summary of what everyone wants life to be, and what life essentially should be. Also the soundtrack, 'Always a Woman', originally sung by Billy Joel is a beautiful song.
Think about what now means for you. For me now, life is about music, plenty of it, listening to anything and everything at every opportunity. I love finding new bands or songs by upcoming artists. Its about going out, with friends, if its to the local pub, for a coffee or out on the town. I love spending time with friends, each one of them inspires to do something differently or enlightens me on a alternative perspective of the world. Its about watching films. I love finding films on Netflix which date back to the eighties and nineties, or watching new releases at the cinema. Its about fashion. I love reading about upcoming trends, what celebs have been wearing on the red carpet, and new techniques on how to look after yourself with home remedies or how to get fit quick, I love trying out these techniques basically to see if they are any good. Life is about enjoying the moment.
John Lennon famously said 'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans' which I believe perfectly summerises how life really happens.
Top ten places to visit in Europe 2015...
The perfect European bucket list, all the cities have some much to offer and so are a must see! Also for those of you which are planning an inter-rail trip, all the cities listed are covered by your ticket!
1. Paris, France
Possibly the most popular European city break there is, partially with its romantic reputation for those honeymooning couples or simply because of its historic famous attractions. Paris has so much to offer, its not all about the Eiffel Tower yanoe, the cuisine is great, coupled with relaxed French culture, its booming fashion industry and its grand boulevards. After my trip to this fantastic city at Easter, I fell in love with its old architecture and I totally understand why they call it the city of love! Places to see include; the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower (obviously with a selfie in mind) and Notre Dame.
2. Berlin, Germany
Berlin, despite the vast destruction it suffered in the Second World War is a beautiful city, full of sites to see such as the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie and the Reichstag. Full of history it makes a great weekend away. However not to be ignored is its fantastic reputation for its nightlife, with glamorous clubs and bars which overlook the city. Maybe one for a hen or stag party?
3. London, England
Good old London town, is quite rightly one of the best cities in the world. With so much to offer, including many historical sites dating back hundreds of years such as the Tower of London and the Houses of Parliament, it also sustains a wide range of great bars, restaurants and clubs in the hotspots of Covent Garden, Piccadilly Circus and the West End . It is after all the home of the Queen herself, with Buckingham Palace being one of the most visited spots on Earth, London is quite simply unmissable! (No bias sensed here I'm sure).
4. Rome, Italy
The home of history, Rome has ample amounts to offer any traveller, it is after all where civilisation began. Its vast amounts of Roman ruins attract hundreds of visitors each year, and believe you me the Colesseum is quite spectacular. With every corner you turn Rome has something to entertain you. Once the most powerful places on Earth, Vatican City is worth a visit for its intricate and wondrous artwork by the great canon of artists, Michaelanglo, Raphael and Da Vinci. Also take advantage of the fantastic Italian cuisine which is on offer everywhere across the city, no pizza or lasagne will ever compare!
5. Amsterdam, Netherlands
One of the most unique cities in the world, with its stylish but antique buildings build on a system of intricate canals, this city is beautiful. A popular destination amongst young people, (not only for the Red Light District night scene), but because everything is rather cheap, concentrated and accessible. The main attractions remain Anne Frank's House and the museum quarter, with the most popular mode of transport being the bicycle of course! A must is to hire a bike and ride around the city to absorb the culture and see the sites.
6. Brussels, Belgium
The capital of Belgium, the city is full of eighteenth-century architecture including the fabulous town hall which is showcased in the city above. This is also a great summer destination with temperatures soaring up to the mid 30's in the peak summer months. Now as the centre of international politics, Brussels attracts many people of the business world, however it is definitely worth a visit. Also, why would you turn down the opportunity to visit the place which invented the Belgian waffle?
7. Copenhagen, Denmark
One of the prettiest cities in the Nordic region, Copenhagen is a must see! I personally love the colour and vibrance this city brings to Europe. Also, as the financial centre as Northern Europe there is plenty of modern architecture to explore including The Black Diamond and the Copenhagen Opera House. This city also complies with the reputation of Northern Europe as one of the cleanest and environmentally friendly places in the world. It is surrounded by beautiful beaches and harbours which are pleasant to visit after a day exploring the city centre.
8. Florence, Italy
Florence is beautiful. I visited the city back in the summer of 2013 and was stunned at how amazing it was. As you can imagine, the city is full of Renaissance works dotted on every corner, fabulous Italian restaurants and stunning views. Top places to visit include Florence Cathedral which dominates the skyline, the Palazzo Vecchio and the Ponte Vecchio bridge. The bridge is one of the oldest medieval bridges in the world and is crammed full of jewellery shops. The number of engagements I saw when I visited that summer was unbelievable, probably one of the most romantic places in the world to be proposed to... just saying.
9. Barcelona, Spain
10. Prague, Czech Republic
Prague is another city full of historic architecture. Dating back from the thireteenth century, some of the buildings are truly stunning. The town square is well worth a visit alongside the Gothic Tower House and the Prague Astronomical Clock which was constructed in the fourteenth century. Also, much like London, Paris and Rome the city is littered with bridges across the river which one illuminated at night look stunning.
1. Paris, France
Possibly the most popular European city break there is, partially with its romantic reputation for those honeymooning couples or simply because of its historic famous attractions. Paris has so much to offer, its not all about the Eiffel Tower yanoe, the cuisine is great, coupled with relaxed French culture, its booming fashion industry and its grand boulevards. After my trip to this fantastic city at Easter, I fell in love with its old architecture and I totally understand why they call it the city of love! Places to see include; the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower (obviously with a selfie in mind) and Notre Dame.
2. Berlin, Germany
Berlin, despite the vast destruction it suffered in the Second World War is a beautiful city, full of sites to see such as the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie and the Reichstag. Full of history it makes a great weekend away. However not to be ignored is its fantastic reputation for its nightlife, with glamorous clubs and bars which overlook the city. Maybe one for a hen or stag party?
3. London, England
Good old London town, is quite rightly one of the best cities in the world. With so much to offer, including many historical sites dating back hundreds of years such as the Tower of London and the Houses of Parliament, it also sustains a wide range of great bars, restaurants and clubs in the hotspots of Covent Garden, Piccadilly Circus and the West End . It is after all the home of the Queen herself, with Buckingham Palace being one of the most visited spots on Earth, London is quite simply unmissable! (No bias sensed here I'm sure).
4. Rome, Italy
The home of history, Rome has ample amounts to offer any traveller, it is after all where civilisation began. Its vast amounts of Roman ruins attract hundreds of visitors each year, and believe you me the Colesseum is quite spectacular. With every corner you turn Rome has something to entertain you. Once the most powerful places on Earth, Vatican City is worth a visit for its intricate and wondrous artwork by the great canon of artists, Michaelanglo, Raphael and Da Vinci. Also take advantage of the fantastic Italian cuisine which is on offer everywhere across the city, no pizza or lasagne will ever compare!
5. Amsterdam, Netherlands
One of the most unique cities in the world, with its stylish but antique buildings build on a system of intricate canals, this city is beautiful. A popular destination amongst young people, (not only for the Red Light District night scene), but because everything is rather cheap, concentrated and accessible. The main attractions remain Anne Frank's House and the museum quarter, with the most popular mode of transport being the bicycle of course! A must is to hire a bike and ride around the city to absorb the culture and see the sites.
6. Brussels, Belgium
The capital of Belgium, the city is full of eighteenth-century architecture including the fabulous town hall which is showcased in the city above. This is also a great summer destination with temperatures soaring up to the mid 30's in the peak summer months. Now as the centre of international politics, Brussels attracts many people of the business world, however it is definitely worth a visit. Also, why would you turn down the opportunity to visit the place which invented the Belgian waffle?
7. Copenhagen, Denmark
One of the prettiest cities in the Nordic region, Copenhagen is a must see! I personally love the colour and vibrance this city brings to Europe. Also, as the financial centre as Northern Europe there is plenty of modern architecture to explore including The Black Diamond and the Copenhagen Opera House. This city also complies with the reputation of Northern Europe as one of the cleanest and environmentally friendly places in the world. It is surrounded by beautiful beaches and harbours which are pleasant to visit after a day exploring the city centre.
8. Florence, Italy
Florence is beautiful. I visited the city back in the summer of 2013 and was stunned at how amazing it was. As you can imagine, the city is full of Renaissance works dotted on every corner, fabulous Italian restaurants and stunning views. Top places to visit include Florence Cathedral which dominates the skyline, the Palazzo Vecchio and the Ponte Vecchio bridge. The bridge is one of the oldest medieval bridges in the world and is crammed full of jewellery shops. The number of engagements I saw when I visited that summer was unbelievable, probably one of the most romantic places in the world to be proposed to... just saying.
9. Barcelona, Spain
Filled full of art and beauty, this mediterranean city is a worthwhile visit if ever in Spain. Renowned as the 'mosaic' city thanks to Antoni Gaudi who created the masterpiece La Sagrada Familia, an incredible cathedral which is still unfinished, even though construction began in 1882! Another of Gaudi's productions Park Guell is worth a visit. The series of interlinking gardens makes a beautiful escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and again the mosaic work is incredible. Another perk of Barcelona is the brilliant collection of bars all around the city and you should not get apprehensive over the weather, its sunny nearly all year round.
10. Prague, Czech Republic
Prague is another city full of historic architecture. Dating back from the thireteenth century, some of the buildings are truly stunning. The town square is well worth a visit alongside the Gothic Tower House and the Prague Astronomical Clock which was constructed in the fourteenth century. Also, much like London, Paris and Rome the city is littered with bridges across the river which one illuminated at night look stunning.
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