Thursday, 4 June 2015

Motivation to get fit- This Girl Can

I'm officially on my campaign to reach that desired 'summer body' which is so heavily publicised in the build up to the summer holidays. As a student, my summer holidays are very loooonnnggg but great as they are filled with chilling with friends in the sun, trips out on bike rides and walks, and of course flying off aboard to see some more guaranteed sunshine.

So, why am I blogging about fitness? I feel women are pressured to 'look good' physically. I agree men also experience this pressure however all over Twitter, Instagram and in the press are images which show the 'ideal' women's body, basically an image of an athletic woman complete with six pack. Moreover in magazines, frequently across the front pages show women of the celeb world who have 'put on weight' or 'lost their shape'. I'm no fitness fanatic, but with all the fitness promotions appearing in the media in the run up to summer I have been inspired to partake in more physical activity, including spending half a dozen hours a week in the gym. I don't believe everyone needs to be going to the gym every day, but I do think partaking in some form of physical activity once a week has no end of benefits. Women especially are being targeted in these campaigns as surveys demonstrate that so many more men exercise on a weekly basis than women. Recently we witnessed the release of the Sport England's 'This Girl Can' campaign which was aimed at everyday women, who work full time, are single parents or simply want to go and get fitter to exercise. It shows women playing sport, on runs, in the gym; they are all simply participating in exercise.

The recent release of the Nike advert also perfectly summarises the plea for ordinary women to get fit, with each individual participating in activity that is not necessarily intense, but is right for them. The group of women are endeavouring to 'get fitter' although they are no gym addicts themselves. The slogan and message emphasised by the video is 'Better For It' which promotes the idea that no matter what exercise you do, you will feel the benefit.

So what are the benefits of exercise on a regular basis?

  1. Sense of achievement
  2. Reduces heart disease
  3. Reduces risk of cancer
  4. Helps you to to set goals
  5. Reduces the risk of dementia 
  6. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis 
  7. Reduces likeliness of depression, stress and anxiety
  8. Enhances mental perfomance 
  9. Improves you skin
  10. Prevents muscle decay 
So go on, get out and there and get fit. Even if your playing tennis once a week, going swimming on the occasion or going for regular jogs. Trust me- you will feel 'better for it'. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Cool Blog!
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    Check it out here
