Although today these old ways seem worlds away with technology moving so fast, a new iPhone being released every two years, music being purchased in majority online and with the invention of social media we are living in a revolution of our own. I'm sure ten years from now we will be thinking about how far technology has advanced from this current moment. But lets cast our minds back to a time where mobile phones had one game of 'snake', hair gel sold out in shops as men across the country spiked their hair like a hedgehog and demin littered the shops. As we all like to do once in a while lets look at some of our favourite things from the 90's and 00's, heres my list, feel free to comment!

Disney Film: The Little Mermaid. Although The Lion King, Robin Hood, Snow White and Cinderella are all up there. Oh I love them all!
Children's TV show: The Tweenies with my favourite being Jake, the one with the big mohawk. I actually went to see them live, yep... a true fan. Although I only really remember watching this coming home from my very first days at school, before this it would have to be the Teletubbies, with La La being my favourite there. I also remember having a Teletubby toast cut out so I could have Tubby toast every morning.
Cartoon: Spongebob. One of the funniest and oddest cartoons around. I think I saw every episode at least twice over.
Sitcom: No doubt with this one, F.R.I.E.N.D.S.! In fact I believe it is the best TV show of all time.
Sweets: Those little packets of fun gums that used to come in the shapes of teeth and toothbrushes were always nice and a popular choice at school discos, although slightly ironic thinking back as sweets are bad for your teeth...
Author: I remember being in primary school and the Jacqueline Wilson craze starting off. I think I read pretty much all of her books. I also adored the books by Roald Dahl especially The Twits and The BFG.
Meal: Something like Tuna Pasta Bake I would have enjoyed. I always liked pasta and people that know me now can support me on this, particularly at university, when looking for an easy dinner, pasta is always the first port of call.
Item of Clothing: It has to be my purple velvet top which spelt out 'Party' in stick on gems. As tacky as that may sound, I loved that top and it has be said velvet was very on trend and has made a comeback in recent years. I was also very proud of my total 90 shoes, silver and red ones to be precise, which seemed to become a massive trend with both boys and girls, as a bit of a tom-boy back then I thought they were the best thing since sliced bread.
Teacher: Mr P. Best teacher I've ever had. Even as a young seven year old he inspired me to pursue History with his practical approach to the subject. We frequently listened to old music, often by Elvis Presley as his favourite ever artist, watched films on spies in the Second World War and even dressed up as German soldiers for our assembly on Remembrance that made it into the local paper!
Songs: Ooo this is tricky as many of my favourite songs from the time would have changed now. I'll have to spilt it into two parts. As a child in the 90's- probably ...Baby One More Time by Britney Spears, a very catchy song released in 1998. From the 00's, wow thats hard as I remember so many songs- I'll narrow it down to 5 songs, the first one being Kylie Minogue- Can't Get You Out Of My Head (2001), Busted- Year 3000 (2002), Beyonce- Crazy in Love (2003), The Black Eyed Peas- Where is the Love? (2003), Your Beautiful- James Blunt (2005).
Guilty Pleasure Song: The Ketchup Song released in 2002 - although it was so bad, it was just so good wasn't it?
Artist/Band: Well its going to have to be S-Club 7, they dominated my school disco days. Everyone loved a bit of Ssssss-Club. Remember, there ain't no party like an S-Club party? Although Busted were a top band of mine, I even had some bright pink Busted pjs, yeah I was a cool kid.
Subject at school: History, always liked it and thats what I'm now studying it at degree level! Not so much dressing up involved though.
Day of the Year at School: It has to be Sports Day. Loved competing with my friends for little medals and being treated to a 99, which then were true to their name, only £1.
Male Celebrity Crush: Its gonna have to be Mr DiCaprio, who wouldn't fall for that cute face in Titanic?
Toy: As the young 00's girl I was, I had a Baby Annabelle that I loved and wanted to buy everything for, the bed, the clothes, the pram. But do you remember Furbies? I had one of those and I thought it was the best thing ever. I was also very original (not) with a collection of Barbies.
Console Game: Sims was my all time favourite game. However in the days of the Playstation 2, which my brother had, we would often play Crash Bash, a game of mini challenges with that fox like creature Crash Bandicoot. Also on Nintendo DS, the original one which I was fascinated by the touchscreen, I loved Animal Crossing. It seemed all the kids at primary school had this game and we would visit each other and stuff and whatever else you could do!
Rom-Com: The age of Rom-Com was the 1990s. Now this is bit of a retrospective question as I obviously didn't really watch romantic films when I was little. The traditional British ones are all so brilliant such as Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994), Pretty Woman (1990) and Notting Hill (1999), which is my all time favourite. However She's All That (1999), which I heard they are remaking soon, She's the Man (2006) which sparked my love for Channing Tatum, and 13 going on 30 (2004) are some of my ultimate favourites.
Thing you miss most about the 90's/00's: As much as I love Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the so many more social media websites, a world without it was in effect is so much easier, maybe for my age group anyway. So many times I hear girls saying 'don't put that on Facebook' or 'I'll edit that and post it later', 'they have more likes than me' or 'wow, she has 143 likes, she must be pretty'. Should we really be thinking like this and did people in the past think like this before modern technology? I just sometimes think that sites such as Facebook etc. can be compared to a giant interview room where everyone is competing for attention. Are therefore the children of today pressured from an early age to be modelled for these sites, educated on how to pose for a selfie or is it all just a bit of fun? Anyway this could spark a whole new debate. Saying that, as an avid user of all these sites does that mean I am just an average consumer of the social networking culture of the 21st century or I have fallen in to the trap of social competitiveness? I do like the fact social media allows you to share events, photos and well your opinions openly, helping you to connect with others around you, but I do miss the innocence of the 90's which did not have such social pressures, especially on young people. Also I miss the great, although somewhat cheesy music!
So, have a go answering the favourites for yourself, trust me its really fun :) and as ever feel free to make any comments.
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